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hello friend!

I hope to nurture you on your everlasting pursuit towards health and wellness through delectable recipes that satisfy the holy trifecta: your soul, body, and mind.

Born & Raised in Orange County, CA

My maternal roots tie my ancestry to Southeast Asia (China), but I was born and raised in beach cities in the OC. My lifestyle and cooking are heavily influenced by a mashup of both cultures.

You deserve to thrive, not just survive.

Without nutrition, we have nothing, in my opinion. Our health and vitality are fundamentally rooted in our nutrition.

my story

Meet Maria

Like my mom always stated to me when I was young, “you are what you eat.” As I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her declaration decades of times, there was immense weight surrounding that truth. Literally, what you put in is what you will get out. I am an avid lover of balanced meals that prioritize fruits, vegetables, proteins, legumes, seeds, and carbohydrates. Furthermore, it is more important to me to eat meals that reflect these nutritious foods in their truest, and least processed forms. I hope that you will continue to embark on this journey with me, whether that is trying out some of these recipes, giving me your thoughts, or just simply consuming. There is no end destination with this blog, I am just eager to share my experiences, write from the soul, and to document my passion for creating food that is nourishing for the soul, body, and mind.

behind the blog

Meet Maria

Nature Lover, Noodle Creator & Nutrition Fanatic

Ahh, the Three N's. Nature, Noodles and Nutrition: the foundation of this blog. Without nature, there would be no source. Without nutrition, there would be no wellness. And frankly, without noodles, there would just be no joy. I am beyond eager to share my experiences, write from the soul, and to document my passion for creating food that is nourishing for the soul, body, and mind.

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